

发音:   用"不大好的"造句
  • baddish
  • poorish
  • 不大好:    not very good
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • 情况不大好:    in a poor way
  • 都做的不大好:    xg
  • 大好:    1.(很好) very good; excellent; beautiful 大好风光 a superb view; 大好时光 the golden years; prime of one's life; 大好时机 opportune moment; golden opportunity; finest hour; 大好形势 excellent situation2.[方言] (病完全好) (of illness) completely recovered


  1. If chemical thinning is not sufficiently effective, hand thinning would involve a great deal of labour .
  2. He usually could not even speak good chinese , so needless to mention his english
  3. Tess began to perceive that a man in indifferent health , who proposed to start on a journey before one in the morning , ought not to be at an inn at this late hour celebrating his ancient blood
  4. It is not that god is unfair . if we human beings happen to encounter or be born into this kind of situation , it is because we have chosen the wrong path for many lifetimes or hundreds and thousands of years . we did not write this present situation from the time of our birth


        不大好:    not very good
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        情况不大好:    in a poor way
        都做的不大好:    xg
        大好:    1.(很好) very good; excellent; beautiful 大好风光 a superb view; 大好时光 the golden years; prime of one's life; 大好时机 opportune moment; golden opportunity; finest hour; 大好形势 excellent situation2.[方言] (病完全好) (of illness) completely recovered
        今天老师的情绪好象不大好:    the teacher seems to be feeling rather blue today
        不大:    1.(不经常) not often; seldom; rarely; hardly; scarcely 他不大看电影。 he seldom goes to the cinema. 他最近不大来。 he hasn't been coming around much recently. 这孩子不大讲话。 the child does not talk very much.2.(程度不深) not very; not too; not quite 不大可能的事 something improbable; 不大清楚 not too clear; 不大妥当 not quite proper; 不大好 not very good; 我不大想到那里去。 i am not very keen on going there
        大好佬:    a worthy gentleman
        大好人:    big good [fine] person; [美俚] prince
        大好事:    da hoss
        不大得:    dei
        不大于:    be less than or equal to; jnge jumif not greater or equal; no more than
        不很, 不大:    not very
        长不大:    cucciolo
        大好风光:    a superb view
        大好河山:    beautiful rivers and mountains of a country; one's beloved motherland
        大好机会:    a rare golden opportunity; big break
        大好时光:    prime of one's life
        大好时机:    finest hour
        大好形势:    excellent situation completely recovered
        形势大好:    the situation is excellent
        一派大好:    (the situation) is excellent
        好的:    alrightbeautifulnessbonafinerhunkplummywally; desirable; fair; good; gut; her; nice; okey-doke; wally
        世上一大好人:    as kind a man as ever drew breath
        形势一派大好:    the situation is excellent



  1. "不大的改形"英文
  2. "不大的油柱"英文
  3. "不大方的"英文
  4. "不大高明"英文
  5. "不大好"英文
  6. "不大会成功的尝试"英文
  7. "不大会有的机会"英文
  8. "不大可能"英文
  9. "不大可能的"英文
  10. "不大可能的机会"英文


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