不同: not alike; different; distin ...船: boat; ship; vessels型: mould; model的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...技术: technology; skill; technique ...成本: prime cost; cost; capitalize ...法律的技术成分: technique element of law杰出的技术成就: engineering feat成本的技术分析: engineering analysis of costs制造者把一项多产的技术成果引进到生产中: the producer introduced a productive technological product into production技术成绩: technical achievement技术成就: engineering achievement; technological contribution技术成熟度: technology maturity技术成果转让: technological achievement transfer科学技术成就: technological achievement重要技术成就: breakthrough技术的技术: technicaltechnology实用简单的技术来估算项目成本和进度: estimate it costs and schedules using simple techniques不朽的技术: immortal technique超前的技术: go-beyond technology成熟的技术: established technique; proven technique当今的技术: latterday technologyy发展的技术: r davis干净的技术: clean technologies极好的技术: feat