不同: not alike; different; distin ...来历: origin; background; source c ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有来历的: pedigreed不同来源: separate sources不同来源的能源混合使用: energy mix来历: origin; source; antecedents; background; past history 查明来历 trace to the source; ascertain a person's antecedents非法转移的资金,隐蔽来历的资金: laundered money从不同来源寻求潜在审计业务: c. solicit potential engagement topics from various sources混合能源;不同来源的能源混合使用: energy mix选自不同来源编辑的常备节目: eclectic repertoire随……同来: come along with历史;来历: history遍历的: ergodic日历的: calendric严历的: hrd阴历的: lunar游历的: peregrine同来同往: go to ... together and come home together不同: not alike; different; distinct; diverse; imparity; diversity:有不同癖好的人people with dissimilar hobbies;(按)不同门类划分 may be classified by the component departments; 在不同的程度上 to varying degrees; 样子相似实质不同的东西 things similar in form but distinct in kind; 两个不同的革命阶段 two distinct revolutionary stages查明来历: trace to the source家族来历: family history来历不明: unknown source or origin; it is not clear how he comes by so many valuables.; it is not clear how he comes to occupy the present important position.; obscure [unknown] origin; of dubious background; of questionable antecedents; one's legal identity not clarified of unknown origin; 这辆卡车来历不明。this truck is of unknown origin来历可疑: a person of shady antecedents来历清楚: have a clear record