不同: not alike; different; distin ...宗教: religion的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...信徒: believer; disciple; follower ...宗教的: religionary; religious; religis; solemn同姓不同宗: a person of the same surname but belonging to a different clan sect甘地的信徒: gandhiite酒神的信徒: bacchanal狂热的信徒: a fanatical follower热心的信徒: churchman神道的信徒: shintoist天堂的信徒: heaven's brethren真正的信徒: truebeliever忠实的信徒: faithful disciple truetruthfularthenticsectarian宗教的: sectarian sectarian反宗教的: irreligious非宗教的: non ecclesiastical无宗教的: irreligious; unreligious信奉宗教的: devout pious准宗教的: quasi―religious宗教的狂信: enthusiasm宗教的礼拜: caerimonia religious worship宗教的膜拜: kqlt kqlt宗教的默念: religious meditation笃信宗教的: religiose