不可转让: nonassignable; nonnegotiable ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...多: many; much; more式: type; style联运: combined transport; through ...运单: waybill可转让多式联运提单: fbl negotiable fiata multimodal transport bill of lading fiata多式联运单据: : multi-modal transport document (mtd); c.t.d., combined transport documents; c.t.d.,conbined transport documents; m td m ultimodetransportd ocument; multimodal transport document (mtd); multimodal transport document―mtd; multimode transport documents(mto)多式联运单证: mtd multimodal transport document; multimodalcombined transportt不可转让的海运单证: non negotiable maritime transport document(generii不可转让的海运单证(通用): non-negotiable maritime transport document不可转让的: n/n non-negotiable; una ignable; untransferable多式联运单证(通用): multimodal transport document; multimodal/combined transport document不可转让的, 义务: non-assignable duty内陆式多式联运运价表: interior point intermodal tariff联运,多式联运: multimodal combined不可转让的国库券: non negotiable treasury bond; nonnegotiable treasury bond不可转让的票据: non-negotiable bill不可转让的期票: nonnegotiable promissory note不可转让的收据: non-negotiable receipt不可转让的提单: non-negotiable bill of handing不可转让的信用证: rektaakkreditiv n. /nicht übertragbares akkreditiv不可转让的信用状: unassignable letter of credit不可转让的证券: non-negotiable securities; rektawertpapier n. /unübertragbares wertpapier非流通的,不可转让的: n/n non-negotiable,not negotiable