The impact of lulc variation on regional climate is first discussed theoretically , and then a regional climate model is then used for a topography change simulation in arid region to analyze the impact of topography to climate in arid region . the results confirm the crucial actions of topography to climate in arid region . but these geographic character is unchangeable , so we must depend on factors that activity of human being can affect , such as lulc 论文首先从理论上讨论了植被变化对区域气候的影响,然后利用区域环境系统集成模式riems模拟了地形变化对我国西部干旱区的气候的影响,证实了地形对西部干旱区气候的决定性作用,但这种地理特征具有不可改变性,我们只有求助于人为可改变的因素,比如植被状况改变。