原: primary; original; former凉: cool; make or become cool; l ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...罪人: guilty person; offender; sin ...不可饶恕的罪人: lene marlin - mv; unforgivable sinner温和的罪人: smooth criminal无罪的罪人: presumed innocent; prisumed innocent被原谅的罪人: leon morin priest; léon morin prêtre不可原谅: unforgiven不可原谅的: inexcusable; u ardonable; unforgivable; unpardonable不可原谅的行为: inexcusable conduct delays inefficiency不可原谅的延期: non-excusable delays落在忿怒之神手中的罪人: sinners in the hands of an angry god你的罪人们正独自流浪: your prisoners walking though this world all along不可饶恕的, 不可原谅的: unforgiving罪人: guilty person; offender; sinner 千古罪人 person condemned by history可原谅但不可补偿的延误: excusable non-compensable delay罪恶昭彰的;不可原谅的: gross a. clearly wrong in law; inexcusable凉的: dressed in a strange way he thought he must look very cool in others’ eyes; kühl adj不可饶恕的罪行: deadly sins藤原凉: ryo fujisawa相原凉: ryo aihara不可原谅的不履行合同义务懈怠: laches荒凉的,凄凉的: bleak杉原凉子: ryouko sugihara