不动产: real estate; immovable prope ...购置税: purchase tax不动产购置: real estate acquisition购置不动产: purchase of immovables购置不动产借款: real estate financing车辆购置税: vehicle purchase tax汽车购置税: automobile acquisition tax远期资产购置: forward a ets purchase; forward assets purchase不动产: real estate; immovable property; immovables 不动产税 real property taxes; 不动产所有权 titles to real estate 为转卖目的购置或建造的不动产: immovable property acquired or constructed for resale对资产购置的调整: acquisition adjustment零星固定资产购置: acquiring minor items of fixed assets资产购置手续费: acquisition commission不动产和动产: real property and personal property动产和不动产: movable and immovable assets; movable and immovable property车辆购置税暂行条例: the interim regulations on the tax on vehicle purchases(不动产)附属物: fixture不动产, 房地产: real property; real thing不动产,房地产: real estate; real property/real state不动产保险: immovable insurance不动产财务: real estate finance不动产产权: fee interest不动产出售: real estate sales不动产贷款: real estate loans不动产的: praedial; real-estate