不: a block of wood到: 39一周: a week; a revolution; a circ ...不到一英里: a mile or less但是却看不到一个: sharing & win-win搞不到一块儿去: (有分歧) be at outs看不到一星星云丝: not a speck of cloud is to be seen找不到一丝宁静: i can’t find no rest不到一个成交单位的零股: uneven lot大街上看不到一个人影儿: not a soul was seen in the street假如你找不到一个20: years old我的弹药剩下不到一半: ammo minus一周: a week; a revolution; a circle; a cycle从某人那里弄不到一点消息: cannot get a thing out of sb但却奈何寻不到一个藏身之处: but i can't find a place to hide但我却找不到一个藏身之处: but i can't find a place to hide任何地方都找不到一条船能载我们过河: nowhere could a boat be seen to take us across the river我找不到一种颜色来搭配今天的心情: i couldn't make the colors match today以不到一个马头的距离之差获胜: win/lose by a short head这是为什么,我找不到一点原由。: came without a reason不到: hardly more than; less than一周一周地: week on week一周又一周: week after week第一周: define &measure; week-1绕一周: compass; encircle