不共戴天: not to live under the same s ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...敌人: enemy; foe不共戴天的: deadly; mortal不共戴天的仇人: swore enemies不共戴天的死敌: deadly enemies不共戴天: not to live under the same sky [heaven] with sb. -- absolutely irreconcilable; feel irreconcilable hatred for sb.; hate to live together under the same sky; impossible for both to live under the same sky; resolve to destroy the enemy or die in the attempt不共戴天之仇。: death feud小共戴天: incompossible我的敌人的敌人: my enemy's enemy暗藏的敌人: a snake in the grass; concealed enemy财团的敌人: enemy of the corporation儿子,我的敌人: pasongsong kyelantak公开的敌人: an open enemy国家的敌人: enemy of the state基督的敌人: antichrist假想的敌人: imaginary enemy确认的敌人: confirmed enemy氏族的敌人: split甜蜜的敌人: the sweet enemy王国的敌人: enemy of the kingdom我的敌人: pasongsong gyerantak阴毒的敌人: insidious enemy阴险的敌人: insidious enemy你最大的敌人: your worst enemy