

  • not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success
  • :    a block of wood
  • :    use; take
  • 失败:    be defeated; lose
  • 自馁:    lose confidence; be discoura ...
  • 成功:    success; succeed; successful


        :    a block of wood
        :    use; take
        失败:    be defeated; lose
        自馁:    lose confidence; be discoura ...
        成功:    success; succeed; successful
        自满:    complacent; self-satisfied; ...
        不以失败自馁不以成功自满:    not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success
        不以成功自满:    not lose heart because of failure nor feel conceited because of success
        不以:    refrain
        不以能:    do tell
        居功自满:    feel smug with one's past achievements
        不以物喜不以己悲:    not pleased by external gains not saddened by personnal
        不以词害意:    not let the words interfere with the sense
        不以己悲:    not pleased by external gains nor saddened by personnal losses; not pleased by external gains not saddened by personnal losses
        不以人废言:    not reject an opinion because of the person expressing it
        不以特殊的:    naturale
        不以为耻:    not to think it as shameful; not to be ashamed of; not to regard ... as a cause for shame; not to think it shameful to
        不以为例:    not to be taken as a precedent
        不以为然:    not to regard it as right; object to; disapprovingly; not altogether approve of; not think it right; not to accept as right; not to agree with; not to approve; regard as incorrect; scarcely [hardly] to think so; take a dim view; take exception to; think otherwise
        不以为然地:    disapprovingly
        不以为伍:    refuse to associate with sb
        不以为意:    not take it seriously; be indifferent to; dismiss all anxiety from one's thoughts; make nothing of; not to care a pin [a rush; a fig; a straw]; not to pay any attention to; not to trouble oneself about; think nothing of
        不以为忤:    take ... in good part
        不以物喜:    not pleased by external gains nor saddened by personnal losses; not pleased by external gains not saddened by personnal losses
        不以牙还牙:    in the opposite spirit


  1. "不以己悲"英文
  2. "不以能"英文
  3. "不以人的意志为转移"英文
  4. "不以人废言"英文
  5. "不以人们意志为转移的客观规律"英文
  6. "不以失败自馁不以成功自满"英文
  7. "不以特殊的"英文
  8. "不以为耻"英文
  9. "不以为耻,反以为荣"英文
  10. "不以为耻反以为荣"英文


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