

  • downcast
  • 下风:    leeward; lee; downwind
  • :    well
  • 风井:    [矿物学] ventilating shaft; air shaft; removing shaft◇风井井筒 air shaft
  • 下风:    1.(风向的下方) leeward; lee; downwind 在下风的方向 on the leeward2.(不利的地位) disadvantageous position 占下风 be at a disadvantage; (自愧弗如)甘拜下风 admit inferiority
  • 出风井:    upcast air shaft; upcast rentilating shaft


        下风:    leeward; lee; downwind
        :    well
        风井:    [矿物学] ventilating shaft; air shaft; removing shaft◇风井井筒 air shaft
        下风:    1.(风向的下方) leeward; lee; downwind 在下风的方向 on the leeward2.(不利的地位) disadvantageous position 占下风 be at a disadvantage; (自愧弗如)甘拜下风 admit inferiority
        出风井:    upcast air shaft; upcast rentilating shaft
        回风井:    return air shaft
        进风井:    [矿物学] downcast (shaft)
        上风井:    uptake
        送风井:    blowing shaft
        通风井:    air pit; air stack; air well; air-piston; ari shaft; by pit; discharge air shaft; downcast; fan shaft; fang; funnel; vent shaft; ventilating shaft; ventilation shaft; ventshaft
        朝下风:    alee
        下风岸:    lee shore; leeward bank
        下风板:    lee board; leeboard
        下风边:    downwind
        下风波:    lee wave
        下风侧:    leeside
        下风处:    lee
        下风船:    leeward yacht; vessel to leeward
        下风的:    downwind; lee side; leeside; leeward
        下风舵:    lee helm; lee rudder; lee-helm
        下风吕:    shimoburo
        下风锚:    lee anchor
        下风面:    air side face; downwind side
        下风涡:    lee side vortex
        下风舷:    alee; disengaged side; lee side; leeside


  1. "下风舵"英文
  2. "下风方向"英文
  3. "下风防波堤"英文
  4. "下风放射性沉降物"英文
  5. "下风航行"英文
  6. "下风距离"英文
  7. "下风吕"英文
  8. "下风满舵"英文
  9. "下风锚"英文
  10. "下风面"英文


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