下颌骨: lower jawbone; mandible髁: condyle突: dash forward; shoot out单侧下颌骨髁突增生: unilateral condylar hyperplasia of mandible下颌骨髁骨折: fracture of mandibular condyle下颌骨髁状突: mandibular condyloid process下颌骨髁部切开术: condylotomy of mandible下颌骨髁良性肥大: benign hypertrophy of mandibular condyle下颌骨髁切除术: excision of condyle of mandible下颌骨髁状突骨折: fracuture of mandibular condyloid process下颌骨髁状突头: head of condyloid process of mandible单侧下颌骨髁发育不全: unilateral condylar hypoplasia of mandible下颌骨髁部骨折切开复位术: open reduction of mandibular condylar fracture下颌骨: inferior maxillary bone; lower jaw bone; mandible; mandibular bone; mandibularbone; maxilla inferior颅下颌骨病: craniomandibular osteopathy下颌骨,颏: mentum mandible下颌骨癌: cancer of mandible下颌骨的: mandibular下颌骨骨折: fracture of mandible下颌骨冠突: coronoid process of mandivle; processus coronoideus mandibulae; temporal process of mandible下颌骨瘤: osteoma of mandible下颌骨缺损: mandibular defect下颌骨升枝: ascending ramus of the mandible下颌骨体: corpus mandibulae; mandible body下颌骨头: mandible head; mh