

  • ridge of mandibular neck
  • 下颌:    lower jaw; underjaw; submaxi ...
  • :    neck
  • :    ridge
  • 下颌颈:    collum mandibulae; collummandibulae; neck of condyloid process of mandible; neck of mandible
  • 下颌颈沟:    groove of mandibular neck; sulci colli mandibulae; sulcus colli mandibulae


        下颌:    lower jaw; underjaw; submaxi ...
        :    neck
        :    ridge
        下颌颈:    collum mandibulae; collummandibulae; neck of condyloid process of mandible; neck of mandible
        下颌颈沟:    groove of mandibular neck; sulci colli mandibulae; sulcus colli mandibulae
        下颌颈,下颌隆凸:    mandibular eminence
        颊颈嵴:    buccocervical ridge
        肋颈嵴:    crest of costal neck; crest of neck of rib; crista cclli costae; crista colli costae; ridge of neck of rib
        下颌:    [生理学] lower jaw; underjaw; submaxill; (lower) mandible◇下颌骨 lower jawbone; mandible
        蝶骨大翼颈嵴:    jugular crest of great wing of sphenoid bone
        颌颈联合根治术:    combined radical operation of jaw and neck; combinedradicaloperationofjawandneck
        粗下颌:    cock-throttled
        双下颌:    augnathus
        推下颌:    chin push
        无下颌:    agnathia; agnathy
        下颊 下颌:    jowl
        下颌的:    mandibularis; submaxillary
        下颌底:    base of mandible; basis mandibulae; mandibular basy
        下颌弓:    arcus mandibularis; mandibular arch
        下颌沟:    mandibular sulcus
        下颌骨:    inferior maxillary bone; lower jaw bone; mandible; mandibular bone; mandibularbone; maxilla inferior
        下颌管:    canalis mandibulac; mandibular canal
        下颌肌:    musculus mandibularis
        下颌角:    angle of jaw; angle of mandible; angle of the jaw; angle of the mandible; angulus mandibulae; gonial angle; mandibular angle
        下颌孔:    foramen mandibulae; foramen mandibulare; inferior dental foramen; mandibular foramen


  1. "下颌角下缘"英文
  2. "下颌角增大"英文
  3. "下颌颈"英文
  4. "下颌颈,下颌隆凸"英文
  5. "下颌颈沟"英文
  6. "下颌咀嚼运动"英文
  7. "下颌孔"英文
  8. "下颌联合"英文
  9. "下颌联合x线摄影"英文
  10. "下颌联合,颏联合"英文


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