吹: blow; puff出: used as a complement抽风: fall into convulsions; covul ...下降: descend; go or come down; dr ...气流: air current; airflow; wind c ...下部吹除下部抽风: downdraft下部吹除: downdraft下降气流: descendant current; descending current; down current; down draft; down draught; downdraft; downdraght; downflow; downward current; downwash; downwind; sinking air进入下降气流: downdraft entry下部: bottom; gebe; gebu; inferior partrhomboid fossa; kebe; partes inferior; shimobe; underbody; underneath; underpart顺风;下降气流;顺风的;顺风地: downwind因机翼所产生的下降气流: downwash升降气流: up-and-down current草下部: kusakabe地下部: subterranean part; underground part&nbsg额下部: pars subfrontalis腹下部: hypogastrium喉下部: hypolarunx; hypolarynx茎下部: the lower portion of the stem牟下部: mugebe; mugetsube皮下部: pars subcutanea; partes subcutanea; subcutaneous part日下部: kusakabe; osakabe舌下部: hypoglossis; hypoglottis下部保: udershield; underguard; undershield下部的: lower; under