Once the creditors obtained a judgment, they could have you thrown into prison under vermont's debtor's law . 那些债权人一旦得到法院的判决,就可依照维蒙特的债务法使你下狱。
Eastin, you will go to prison where you will have time to reflect on your own activities which brought you there . 被告伊斯汀,你必须下狱服刑,从而能有时间反省一下自己所干的那些使你身陷囹圄的犯罪勾当。
The assailant was set by the heels awaiting trial 那位袭击者被捕下狱,等候审判。
A state of imprisonment or captivity 监禁,下狱被关押或囚禁的状态
Hoke goes to the nearby town of yerkey ? s hole , where belle knops is both mayor and bordello - mistress 马吉被捕下狱,但他的印第安女友帮忙他脱逃。