Yet that number has fallen from 25 to 22 但是这一数字从25下滑到了22个。
The opposition had slipped to around a third of the vote 反对党的得票率下滑到了第三位。
The biggest faller is the united states , dropping from first to sixth 美国的竞争力排名下滑幅度最大,从第一位下滑到第六位。
Until about ten years ago , only twenty percent of the physicists professed belief in god 过去五十年,这数字不住下滑到了几年前,十年前吧,只有20 %
They hit 7 . 57 per share on thursday , the lowest in more than two years , before rebounding to 8 . 41 per share on friday 在本周四收盘的时候,福特股票下滑到了每股7 . 57美元,创下两年来新低。