上颌: maxillary; upper mandible; t ...骨: bone嵴: ridge上颌骨上鼻甲嵴: superior turbinal crest of maxilla上颌骨下鼻甲嵴: inferior turbinal crest of maxilla腭骨鼻甲嵴: conchal crest of palatine bone; crista conchalis ossis palatini; inferior turbinal crest of palatine bone上颌骨鼻面: facies nasalis maxillae; nasal surface of maxilla上颌骨鼻嵴: crista nasalis maxila; crista nasalis maxillae; nasal crest of maxilla上颌骨鼻前棘: anterior nasal spine of maxilia上颌骨鼻切迹: incisura nasalis maxillae; nasal incisure of maxilla; nasal notch of maxilla上颌骨鼻突沟: sulcus of nasal process of maxilla鼻甲嵴: comchal crest; conchal crest; conchal ridge; crista conchalis; turbinal crest; turbinated crest上鼻甲嵴: crista turbinata dorsalis下鼻甲嵴: ventral turbinate crest腭骨上鼻甲嵴: crista ethmoidalis ossis palatini; superior turbinal crest of palatine bone腭骨下鼻甲嵴: crista conchalis maxillae; inferior turbinal crest of palatine bone上颌骨: maxillae; maxillary bones; os maxillare; superior maxillary bone; supramaxilla; upper jaw bone鼻甲上颌口: conchomaxillary opening上颌的,上颌骨的: maxillaris辅上颌骨: supplemental maxillary上颌骨癌症: cancer of maxilla上颌骨的: maxillary; mx上颌骨额突: forntal process of maxilla; frontal process of maxilla; prefrontal bone of von bardeleben; processus frontalis maxllae上颌骨骨折: fracture of maxilla; fracture of superior maxila; u er maxillary fracture; upper maxillary fracture上颌骨棘: spine of maxilla