She is honeymooning in jamaica ; she is a killer in seattle 一个牙买加岛上渡蜜月的富家女一个西雅图的职业女杀手。
Take the mtr ; many bus lines beginning with " a " or " e " departing from the different districts also go there 如要完成较长的路段,需准备足够的装备在山上渡宿。
Investigation revealed that they traveled on a cruise ship from february 20 to 23 in egypt and had consumed meals on the ship 生防护中心调查显示,他们于2月20至23日在一邮轮上渡假,并曾于邮轮上进食。
Originally , she was supposed to go on a vacation with her family in the mountains , something she particularly enjoys . yet , for some unknown reason , she chose to stay at home alone for the whole holiday weekend 她原本打算与家人一起到山上渡假,那是她最喜欢的活动,但为了某种莫名的原因,她决定整个周末假期都独自留在家里。