上流: upper reaches belonging to t ...世家: aristocratic family; old and ...出身: class origin; family backgro ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...科班出身的人: a man with professional training平民出身的人: a man of the people风流世家: anthony adverse出身的: born绅士出身的: gently-born上流社会的人: world出身卑贱的人: a man of humble origin出身卑微的人: men of humble birth出身高贵的人: gentlefolks出身名门的人: a person of gentle birth出身微贱的人: a man of low birth狗头人身的人: cynocephalus海军行伍出身的军官: mustang世家: aristocratic family; old and well-known family; a family holding high official positions for generations出身于日本的人物: japanese people by prefectural origin上流: 1.(上游) upper reaches (of a river)2.(旧指社会地位高的) belonging to the upper circles; upper-class 上流人士 persons of quality; 上流社会 high society; polite society; 上流世家出身的人 a man of good family; 她活动于纽约上流社会之中。 she is moving in fashionable circles in new york出身: 1.(家庭出身) class origin; family background 工人家庭出身 come from a worker's family; 穷苦出身 be from poor families; 他出身于相当富裕的家庭。 he was born of fairly well-to-do parents.2.(个人经历) one's previous experience or occupation牛津大学受教育[出身]的人。: oxford man向上爬的人,企图进入上流社会的人。: social climber安西尔 法国 出身或教养均极高贵的人: ansel