He was altogether too unsettled in his mind over it, to appreciate the pie comfortably . 他这样心神不定,哪里还顾得上品尝这个饼的滋味。
"ligeia", which poe thought his best grotesque story, is now, for most readers, a jumble of morbid self-pity, diabolism, and gimcrack gothicism . 波自认《莉盖娅》是他怪诞小说中的上品,现在大部分读者认为不过是病态自怜,魔鬼附身,浮华怪诞的大杂烩而已。
I know you ' re used to better vintage than this . . 我知道你习惯了比这更上品的酒
I know you ' re used to better vintage than this 我知道你习惯了比这更上品的酒
极上品: superfine quality最上品: prime quality上品茶叶: elite of tea上品昆仑剑: kunlun sword上品乾坤剑: qiankun sword上品潇湘鞭: good whip茅台是酒中上品: maotai is a top grade spirit他的行为是上品的: his behaviour was in good taste年以上品质管理相关经验: ts我在你唇上品尝虚无: i taste the void upon your lips佛说观无量寿经上品上生章讲记: the highest level rebirth chapter of the visualization sutra我们要在这废墟上品尝美酒佳肴: we′ll be drinking wine and porter all in amerika y; we′ll be drinking wine and porter all in amerikay上频率: upper frequency上撇号: apostrophe; prime上漂: climb上片平: kamikatahira上坪: kamitsubo; shangping上片盘: top spool