Of course this deliberate procedure was seen, and the hands of hetty were arrested ere she had more than liberated the upper portion of the captive's body . 当然这种公然的活动立刻被发觉了,海蒂刚刚把捆着她上半身的绳子割断,手就被人捉住了。
But some of the features from the upper part of the body , including the shoulder blade and arms are more ape - like 他说。但上半身的一些特征,包括肩胛骨和胳膊更象猿。
But some of the features from the upper part of the body including the shoulder blade 17 and arms are more ape - like 他说。但上半身的一些特征,包括肩胛骨和胳膊更象猿。
An accompanying diagram of putin ' s naked torso had arrows pointing to his major muscle groups 文中还配有一张普京上半身的图解,还特意用箭头标示了他身上的几大主要肌肉群。
A lamp placed on a small table , threw a dim light around , and showed him the face of the man who had brought him there , a half - clothed fellow , a prison - keeper , with a face like an animal ' s 一盏灯放在一张小桌上,投射出一道微弱的光,洒遍了房间四壁;同时显现出那张带他进来的人的脸庞,一个裸著上半身的狱卒,有著野兽般面貌的人。
上半身: the upper part of the body; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...上半身: the upper part of the body; above the waist半身的: half-length上半身短的: short-waisted上半身肥胖: upper body segment obesity上半身化疗: upper body chemotherapy上半身照射: uhbi upper half-body irradiation剑突以上半身照射: radiation of the half of the body above the xiphoid四分之三的, 大半身的: three-quarters摆动(上半身从右向左移动): sway上空照片(女性裸露上半身): topless photos刻克洛普斯 人的上半身,龙的下半身: cecrops半身: 1.(半截身子) half of one's body2.(空铅的排版尺寸) en◇半身空铅 [印刷] en quad; 半身铅线 en rule; en score上半: first half半身椽: half length半身甲: half-plate半身矛: spear半身人: halfling; hobbits半身士: to have one foot in the grave半身像: half-length photo or portrait; bust; gaine半身浴: demibain; demibath; half bath半身柱: half-column逆半身: gyaku-hanmi下半身: the lower part of the body