三线: three-way; three-wire式: type; style型钢: fashioned iron; figured iron ...棒材轧机: bar mill; rod mill三线式棒材轧机 三线式型钢轧机: three-strandrodmill三线式型钢轧机: three-strand rod mill三线式棒材轧机: three-strand rod mill三线式型钢: three-strand rod mill棒材轧机: bar mill小型钢材轧机: bar iron rolling mill越野式型材轧机: cross country mill; cross country rolling mill活套式型钢轧机: looping merchant mill可逆式型钢轧机: reversing shape mill三辊式型钢轧机: three-high jobbing mill; three-high shape mill; three-roller jobbing mill; three-roller shape mill单线式线材轧机: single-strand mill小型轧钢厂 小型轧机 棒材轧机: barmill线式型: thrum不锈钢棒材: sh-06yt-10八角型钢棒: octagonal bar steel棒材轧尖: bar pointing棒材轧尖机: bar pointing machine带快速辊装置的精密棒材轧机: precise bar mill with rapid roll change; precisebarmillwithrapidrollchange带快速换辊装置的精密棒材轧机: precise bar mill with rapid roll change针式型与线式型: pin and thrum三线式电表: three wire meter; three-wire meter