College student yuki nakamura , shibasaki kou , battle royale , bored at a singles party . yuki waits for her friend yoko , who arrives to the party lat . . 山口百惠饰演富家政客的独生女,偏爱上一名黑社会的古惑仔三浦友和饰,当中卷入人性的恶斗,最后以温情恋
This is a love story where social class does not come into play . momoe is the single child of a rich politician . somehow she finds her love in a gangs . . 山口百惠饰演富家政客的独生女,偏爱上一名黑社会的古惑仔三浦友和饰,当中卷入人性的恶斗,最后以温情恋