Implementation of three - layer model of bookstore on net based on jsp servlet 的三层式网上书店的实现
Move on to the most different garden you have ever visited : the amazing renaissance vegetable garden of the chateau of villandry 随后游览拥有文艺复兴风格三层式建筑,以蔬果花园闻名于世的薇隆古丽古堡。
The triplex houses have a total area of approximately 3 , 100 sq ft , with four bedrooms and two en suites . there will be 31 of these in the vineyard 三层式面积约3 , 100平方尺的小葡萄洋房单位,也是四房连两套房,全屋苑只提供31间。
Chiaochi waterfall the site is about three km from chiaochi railroad station . it is a three - layer waterfall , five meters in width and 200 meters in length 礁溪瀑布形成三层式瀑布,上层由狭谷奔泻直入岩石,再折穿形成中层瀑布,下层约二十公尺,中层瀑布散失之水汇聚而成。
It shows you how to code , test , generate , and deploy a three - tier application consisting of a web interface , websphere application server , and a server program that accesses db2 并向您演示了如何编码、测试、生成以及部署由web接口、 websphere application server和访问db2的服务器程序组成的三层式应用程序。