三: three口: mouth猪: hog; pig; swine三口: mikuchi; sankou三口洋: singkawang出口猪肉: shipper style出口猪尾管: outlet pigtail出口猪鬃: bristles for export出口猪胴: shipping pig入口猪尾管: inlet pigtail三口道芽: triple-stomodeal budding三口动作筒: three-port actuating cylinder三口粉属: triorites三口连接管: tube with two joints三口烧瓶: boiling flask-3-neck三口螨属: tristomus一个三口之家: a family of three people圆底三口烧瓶: round bottom flask with three necks出口猪鬃检验方法: the method of inspection for export bristles他的工资够养活三口人: his wages are adequate to support three people三苦: miku; three sufferings三库系统: three-pool system三跨: three span; three-span三跨框架: three bay frame