三: three六: a surname三六: sanroku; three six六郎: rokuro三六精: tricaprylin三六平: sanrokuhei第三六方柱: hexagonal prism of the third order; third-order hexagonal prism第三六方锥: hexagoanl pyramid of the third order; hexagonal pyramid of the third order; third-order hexagonal pyramid三六九等: various grades and ranks三六年岁月: days of 36; jours de 36半六郎: hanrokuro备六郎: birokuro藏六郎: zorokuro操六郎: sorokuro常六郎: tsunerokuro长六郎: chorokuro朝六郎: asarokuro辰六郎: shinrokuro; tatsurokuro诚六郎: seirokuro传六郎: denrokuro淳六郎: junrokuro次六郎: jirokuro达六郎: tatsurokuro大六郎: dairokuro丹六郎: tanrokuro