Twenty thousand local banks suspended payment . 有二万家地方银行停止付款。
Expressing righteous horror at this soviet atrocity, the germans were inviting neutral delegations to come and view the terrible mass graves . 对于这种苏维埃暴行,德国人义愤地表示了极端的厌恶,同时正在邀请各中立国派出代表团前去观察这些骇人听闻的万家冢。
Dam joint grouting in wanjiazhai water complex 万家寨水利枢纽工程大坝接缝灌浆
Planning of shanxi wanjiazhai yellow river diversion project 万家寨引黄入晋工程规划
All prosperous management consultant co 万家盛世管理咨询公司
万: ten thousand家: family; household万家安: ban ah kam万家埠: wanjiabu万家春: spring comes in homes万家顿: muller weingarten万家乐: drina yue; macro万家岭: wanjialing万家屯: wanjiatun万家物: res extra nostrum patrimoni; resextranostrumpatrimoni万家院: mankein万家寨: wanjiazhai华润万家: cr vanguard; vanguard情暖万家: endless love; qing nuan wan jia万家灯火: lamps and candles of a myriad families; a myriad lights in the valley; a myriad twinkling lights (of a city)万家岭战役: battle of wanjialing万家码头: wanjiamatou万家生佛: a living buddha to 10,000 families -- a benefactor to all万家公用事业: lof万家科学画报: techmag万家营运资料: ppt doc xls百万家产的富翁: multimillionair万好万家商务酒店: whwh business hotel万家乐水族世界: wan jia le aquarium广东万家乐股份有限公司: guangzhou macao company limited