七十: seventy岁: year老者: old man七十岁: seventy四十岁老处男: the 40 year old virgin; the 40-year old virgin七十至八十岁的: septuagenarian老者: [书面语] old man六十岁或六十至七十岁间的: sexagenary十岁: ten七十: seventy 第七十 seventieth衰老者: dotard40岁老处男: the 40 year old virgin百岁老人: centenarian岁老处男: the year old virgin七十, 七十个: seventy〔古语〕祖父;祖先;老者。: grandsire老者少者: the old and the young龙钟老者: a decrepit old man年老者忌服: contraindicated in senility盐枭老者: yan xiao八十岁: eighty; fourscore; octogenarian差十岁: hl六十岁: sixty; threescore三十岁: thirty四十岁: forty