Draughtsmen make drawing on a drawing board, using a pencil and a t-square, set square and scale . 绘图员用铅笔、丁字尺、三角板和比例尺在绘图板上绘图。
Drawing ruler - t - square 绘图仪尺.丁字尺
Ustable head t - square 活动头丁字尺
Ustable head t square 活头丁字尺
Cad have already replaced the t - square and drawing board and become to design the main tool of the personnel along with the cad technique development , and consumedly lower the labor strength of the design personnel , and increase the work efficiency of the design personnel 随着cad技术的发展, cad已经代替丁字尺和图板成为设计人员的主要工具,大大降低了设计人员的劳动强度,提高了设计人员的工作效率。
长臂丁字尺: bulkhead tee尺;丁字尺: tee square丁字尺身: blade of t square; blade of t-square绘画丁字尺: drawing t-square活动丁字尺: adjustable head t-square活头丁字尺: adjustable head t-square; adjustable-head t-square矩尺,丁字尺: square木丁字尺: wood t-square塑料丁字尺: plastic t-square丁字尺可调头: adjustable head t square黄杨木丁字尺: boxwood t square活动头丁字尺: adjustable head t-square赛璐珞丁字尺: celluloid t squaret字尺: t square字尺: tsquaret丁字: t-shaped排字尺: setting rule一字尺: parallel rule【印刷】排字尺。: setting rule文字尺寸: character size丁字板: t-plate; t-type plank丁字步: t-step position丁字槽: t-slot丁字带: t bandage丁字撑杆: brace tee丁字槽铣刀: t-slot cutter
丁字尺的法语:règle en t té de dessin équerre en t丁字尺的日语:〈測〉T形定規.▼“丁字规 guī ”ともいう.丁字尺的韩语:[명사] 티( ━T) 자. 정자 정규(丁字定規). =[丁字扳] [丁字矩] [丁形定规] [丁字规]丁字尺的俄语:рейсшина丁字尺的阿拉伯语:مسطرة حرف تي; 丁字尺什么意思:dīngzìchǐ 绘图的用具,多用木料或塑料制成,形状像丁字。