This is not expressible as a first - order predicate calculus property 这就是一个一阶谓词演算不可表述的属性。
Also , first - order predicate calculus isn ' t good enough anyway 同时,从各方面来说,一阶谓词演算都不是足够好。
This kind of assertion seems to require special language extensions and has led people to suggest introducing first - order predicate calculus 这种情况下的断言似乎就需要实现特定的语言扩展,于是一些人建议引入一阶谓词演算。
This kind of assertion seems to require special r nlanguage extensions and has led people to suggest introducing r nfirst - order predicate calculus 这种情况下的断言似乎就需要实现特定的语言扩展,于是一些人建议引入一阶谓词演算。
Informally , xquery is designed to be able to construct any xml document that can be computed from input xml documents using the power of the first - order predicate calculus Xquery被非正式地设计为可以构造xml文档,而这些xml文档是通过对输入的xml文档进行一阶谓词演算得出的。