hit the nail on the head; clean up the matter in a single sentence; come to the point; hit the mark with a single comment; hit the target with one remark
一语: syllable破的: broken我一语: say you say me爆破的: of puncturing不破的: infrangible残破的: ruinous; wrecked穿破的: worn to a frazzle钩破的: jaggy会破的: breakable溃破的: diabrotic磨破的: worn-out易破的: breakable; weak直破的: plain-sawn单一语言的: monolingual第一语言: first language多对一语言: many-for-one languages统一语言的: unilingual下一语句: next statement一言一语: every word and phrase一语不发: wordlessly一语成谶: the prophecy has unfortunately come true.; a saying turned out to be a prophecy一语道破: puncture a fallacy with one remark; blurt out the truth; clear up the matter in a single sentence; dispose of with one word; get to the heart of the matter in few words; hit the mark with a single comment; hit the nail on the head; lay bare its secret with one remark; lay bare the truth with one penetrating remark; point out the truth; strike home 一语道破其中的奥秘 lay bare the secret of sth. with one remark一语击中: the word goes right to the heart of the matter.; hit with one vivid expression一语惊四座: one's remark gives everyone there a surprise一语双关: a phrase with a double meaning; a word of double meaning; a double-edged remark; mean more than the word tells; pun on a word; punny一语双关的: punny
一语破的的日语:〈成〉ひと言でずばりと問題点を言い当てる.▼“的”は「まと.標的」の意味. 你的话真是一语破的,问题就在这里/あなたの話はそのものずばりです,問題点はまさにそこにあるのです.一语破的的韩语:【성어】 한 마디로 문제점을 갈파(喝破)하다. 한 마디로 급소를 찌르다.一语破的的俄语:pinyin:yīyǔpòdì 1) с первого слова попасть в цель 2) по существу, по сути дела; одним словом一语破的什么意思:yī yǔ pò dì 【解释】一句话就说中要害。 【示例】你的话真是~,把问题的症结准确地指出来了。 【拼音码】yypd 【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义 【英文】hit the mark with a single comment