

发音:   用"一般锚地"造句
  • general anchorage


        一般:    same as; just like
        锚地:    anchor ground; anchorage; ro ...
        锚地:    (停泊地) anchor ground; anchorage; road◇锚地捐税 berthage
        【航海】锚地。:    anchor ground
        港锚地:    labuhan
        锚地浮:    anchorage buoy
        锚地图:    anchorage chart
        锚位,锚地:    anchorage
        泥锚地:    mud berth
        抛锚地:    berth
        外锚地:    outer anchorage
        一般:    1.(一样) same as; just like 他们俩一般高。 the two of them are the same height. 两个问题一般重要。 these two problems are of the same importance.2.(一种) sort; kind 别有一般滋味 have a distinctive taste3.(普通; 通常) general; ordinary; common 一般常识 general knowledge; 一般情况 ordinary circumstances; 一般说来 generally speaking; 从一般到具体 from generalities to particulars; 在一般水平以上 above the average; 据说英国的一般学童比欧洲大陆的大多数一般学童聪明。 the average british school-boy is said to be more intelligent than the majority of his like on the continent. 他是一般工作人员。 he is an ordinary member of the staff
        半开敞锚地锚地:    pelabuhan
        开放锚地;敞开锚地:    open anchorage
        【航海】(开敞)锚地。:    roadstead
        埃滕锚地:    eten anchorage
        安全锚地:    a clear anchorage; safe anchorage; safe roadstead
        半开敞锚地:    pelabuan
        爆炸品锚地:    explosive anchorage
        避风锚地:    haven; shelter anchorage; snug anchorage
        避台风锚地:    typhoon anchorage
        泊地锚地:    anchorage ground
        不良锚地:    foul bottom; foul ground; foul patch
        敞露锚地:    open anchorage
        大船锚地:    large vessel anchorage


  1. "一般垄断资本主义"英文
  2. "一般旅馆"英文
  3. "一般滤波问题"英文
  4. "一般绿地"英文
  5. "一般漫射照明"英文
  6. "一般贸易"英文
  7. "一般每周或每月付租金"英文
  8. "一般美式英语口音"英文
  9. "一般门诊"英文
  10. "一般醚"英文


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