

  • horde of fiendish monsters who perpetrate every conceivable crime and are unpardonably wicked
  • 一群:    a group; a crowd; a herd; a ...
  • 青面獠牙:    a long-toothed man with a li ...
  • 十恶不赦:    perpetrate every conceivable ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
  • :    human being; man; person; pe ...


        一群:    a group; a crowd; a herd; a ...
        青面獠牙:    a long-toothed man with a li ...
        十恶不赦:    perpetrate every conceivable ...
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        :    human being; man; person; pe ...
        一群青面獠牙十恶不赦的人a:    horde of fiendish monsters who perpetrate every conceivable crime and are unpardonably wicked
        可憎的,十恶不赦的:    heinous
        十恶不赦的罪行:    a heinous crime criminal
        青面獠牙:    a long-toothed man with a livid face; one's face was blue and one's teeth stuck far out.; terrifying in appearance; with a green face and ferocious fangs; with a green face and jagged teeth like a saw; (devils) with hideous blue-black faces, showing their teeth 露出青面獠牙的凶相 reveal the ferocious features of an ogre
        十恶不赦:    perpetrate every conceivable [heinous] crime and be unpardonably wicked; a crime which is past forgiving; be too wicked to be pardoned; guilty beyond forgiveness; guilty of unpardonable evil; unpardonably wicked; wicked beyond redemption;wicked to the extreme 一群青面獠牙,十恶不赦的人a horde of fiendish monsters who perpetrate every conceivable crime and are unpardonably wicked
        不然就请判断我犯下了十恶不赦的罪过:    or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins
        十恶不赦,又名:地狱劫:    inferno
        露出青面獠牙的凶相:    reveal the ferocious features of an ogre
        不赦的:    resistant to rust
        万恶不赦:    unpardonably vicious
        獠牙:    bucktooth (pl. buckteeth); tush; tusk; ivory; long, sharp, protruding teeth 青面獠牙 be green-faced and long-toothed; have fiendish features
        赦的:    rusty corroded
        群青:    [化学] ultramarine◇群青绿 ultramarine green
        一群和蔼的人:    a company of genial souls
        一群一群在各处站著的人:    people standing about in groups
        一群稀奇古怪的人:    an odd collection of people
        一群制定法律的人:    a grouof persons who make laws
        一群:    a group; a crowd; a herd; a pack; a flock; a drift; a bevy
        十恶 (法律):    ten abominations
        一群一群的人蜂拥而进大厅:    crowds of people swarmed into the hall


  1. "一群鸟"英文
  2. "一群牛"英文
  3. "一群女学生"英文
  4. "一群旁观者"英文
  5. "一群强盗"英文
  6. "一群青面獠牙十恶不赦的人a"英文
  7. "一群圈内人"英文
  8. "一群人"英文
  9. "一群人的集合,自治团体,步兵的方阵,指骨"英文
  10. "一群人的意见"英文


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