- a little; a few; some; in a way; to some extent; partial 短语和例子
有一点像 in a way rather like sb. [sth.]; 给人民做一点事情 perform some kind of service for the people; 一点心意 small token of one's appreciation; 学一点经济 acquire some knowledge about economics; 一点灰尘也没有。 there is not a speck of dust. 人是要有一点精神的。 man must have some spirit
- 一点一点: bit by bit; little by little
- 一点一点的: piecemeal
- 一点一点地: bit by bit; by bits; piece by piece; piecemeal
- 表一点: agolaterr; beforeafterr; before、after
- 差一点: within an ace of; within an inch of