一月: January the first month of t ...三: three日: and波斯: Persia鸢: kite; mivus korschum尾花: decorative pattern at the en ...波斯鸢尾花: persian fleur de lys一月三日: january 3十月三十一日波斯菊: perennialcoreopsis十一月三日西洋樱草: commonprimrose鸢尾花: flower-de-luce; garden iris; iris (plant); irises; lily月三日: thirteenth野生鸢尾花: flagger八月三日蜀葵: hollyhock九月三日飞蓬: fleabane三月三日茼蒿: crowndaisy十月三日秋菊: autumnhelenium十二月三日山楂花: crownofthorns四月三日绿朱草: greenalkanet一月三十一日镇: trinta e um de janeiro; trinta-e-um de janeiro十月十九日波斯菊: perennialcoreopsis有芒鸢尾花叶马铃薯y病毒: bearded iris mosaic potyvirus有芒鸢尾花叶马铃薯y簿: bearded iris mosaic potyvirus她被安葬于八月三日: she was buried on august 3rd尾花: decorative pattern at the end of a poem, article, etc. where there is a small blank space