

[ yīwúsuǒhuò ] 发音:   "一无所获"的汉语解释   用"一无所获"造句


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  1. We both drew a blank .
  2. The high court had nothing to gain by declaring him guilty .
  3. We had been climbing now for more than four hours and were evidently getting nowhere .
  4. More barium-meal tests were done to try to locate the source, but nothing was found .
  5. He was afraid to ask his mother to buy the choice colours, and was sure he should ask her in vain .


        一无所获的:    empty-handed; gainless
        胜者一无所获:    winner take nothing
        我仍一无所获:    i keedrawing a blank
        或许我将一无所获:    maybe it's got nothing to do with me
        年:《胜者一无所获》:    winner take nothing
        一无所获的会见:    a dry interview
        但一无所获问题和魔鬼:    finding nothing but questions - and devils
        我伸手去抓却一无所获:    when i reach out there’s nothing to find
        胜者无所获:    the winners take notheing
        则无所获:    nothing seek nothing find
        终无所获:    a rolling stone gathers no moss
        不懂, 一无所知:    not have a clue
        你一无所知:    aunque t
        我一无所有:    and to i have none; i have nobody to call my own; i have nothing
        我一无所知:    t mean anything to me
        一无所长:    jack of all trades and master of none; have no special skill; having no special superiority; master of none; not having a single good point; without a single talent or skill
        一无所成:    without any success; accomplish nothing; come to no practical result; end up in smoke; have nothing to show for all one's efforts; shoe the goslings
        一无所能:    can do nothing; be incapable of doing anything
        一无所求:    for nothing
        一无所缺:    lack of nothing
        一无所有:    have nothing at all [in the world]; not have a stiver; not have a thing to one's name; not own [have] a thing in the world 我除了行李被褥之外一无所有。 apart from clothes and bedding, i have nothing
        一无所有吗:    ain’t got no- i got life
        一无所知:    know nothing at all; be absolutely ignorant of; be blind to something; know neither buff nor style; know not a thing; know nothing about; not have the least inkling of; not have the slightest idea of
        一无所知党:    know-nothing party
        一无是处, 什么都不行:    be a bundle of negatives
        一无是处:    nothing is right.; absolutely without merit; be good for nothing; completely wrong [bad]; devoid of any merit; have no special skill; have nothing worthy of praise; not a single merit; never get anything right; not having a single good point; nothing is in good order and everything is wrong.; without a single redeeming feature


        一无所获的俄语:pinyin:yīwúsuǒhuò см. 一無所得
        一无所获什么意思:yī wú suǒ huò 【解释】一无:全无。什么东西都没有获得 【出处】五代·王定保《唐摭言》:“然日势既暮,寿儿且寄院中止宿,颢亦怀疑,因命搜寿儿怀袖,一无所得,颢不得已遂躬自操觚。” 【拼音码】ywsh 【灯谜面】烂网打鱼;聋子擂鼓,瞎子观灯沙漠里播种 【用法】动宾式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. "一无例外"英文
  2. "一无是处"英文
  3. "一无是处, 什么都不行"英文
  4. "一无所长"英文
  5. "一无所成"英文
  6. "一无所获的"英文
  7. "一无所获的会见"英文
  8. "一无所能"英文
  9. "一无所求"英文
  10. "一无所缺"英文


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