一无所知: know nothing at all; be abso ...不了解: do not understand; not famil ...情况: circumstances; situation; co ...不了解情况: in the dark你不了解情况,别多嘴!: You don't know the facts,so keep your mouth shut! multinozzle不了解情况不要乱放炮: don't shoot off your mouth if you don't know the facts你不了解情况别多嘴: you don't know the facts so keyour mouth shut! multinozzle不懂, 一无所知: not have a clue你一无所知: aunque t我一无所知: t mean anything to me一无所知: know nothing at all; be absolutely ignorant of; be blind to something; know neither buff nor style; know not a thing; know nothing about; not have the least inkling of; not have the slightest idea of一无所知党: know-nothing party了解情况: situation awareness situational awareness几乎一无所知: know next to nothing of..一无所知运动: know-nothings movement继续了解情况: keetrack of警方了解情况: the police seeking information详细了解情况: acquire detailed knowledge of the situation不了解情况,不分青红皂白地莽撞行事: go off half-cocked不了解情况就无从解决这类问题: if we do not know the facts we are in no position to handle such matter她甚至连最简单的情况也一无所知。: she is ignorant of even the simplest facts对某事物一无所知: beans about something; not to know anything about something对某事一无所知: be nescient of sth尽管你一无所知: aunque tu no lo sepas就是他们一无所知: is they don't know a thing