一: one年: year期: designated time公债: public loans一年期公债, 公债券, 国库券, 借据: certificates of indebtedness十年期公债期货: gbf一年期的公债: certificate of indebtness借据 一年期的公债: certificateofindebtness一种一年期的公债: certificate of indebtness长期公债: long term bond; long term government bond; rente定期公债券: fixed bond短期公债: short-term public loan有期公债: terminable debt有限期公债: terminable bond中期公债: btan; t-note政府短期公债: short dated government bond一年期的: one―year一年期机票: normal fare一年期契约: annual contract一年期债券: yearling bond一年期执照: annual licence短期债券, 短期公债: short-term bond发行利率较低的公债以换回到期公债: debt conversion太阳在一年期间的运行: the annual course of the sun一年或一营业周期内到期公司债: corporate bonds payable - current portion