

[ yīdìngzhiguī ] 发音:   "一定之规"的汉语解释   用"一定之规"造句
  • 1.(一定的规则) a fixed pattern [rule; regulation]; a set rule
    2.(已经打定的主意) one's own way; a fix idea
  • 定之:    sadayuki
  • 一定:    1.(规定的, 确定的) fixed; established; regular 一定的规章制度 established rules and regulations; 一定的生产指标 fixed production quota; 按照一定的规格进行生产 work according to specifications; 学习、 工作都有一定的时间。 there are fixed times for study and for work.2.(固定不变的) definite; constant 每一种弹簧都有一定的弹性。 every sort of spring has a definite elasticity.3.(必定) surely; certainly; be bound to; necessarily 这一定是他想买的书。 this must be the book he wants to buy. 只要我们做到这一切, 改革就一定能成功。 provided we do all this, we shall assuredly succeed in our reform. 六点以前, 我一定回家。 i shall definitely be home before six o'clock.4.(特定的) certain; specific; given 在一定程度上 to a certain degree; 在一定条件下 under given conditions; 在一定意义上 in a certain sense; 在一定的时期内 within a certain [definite] period; 金属加热到一定的温度都会熔化。 metals will melt when heated to a certain temperature.5.(相当的) proper; fair; due 达到一定水平 reach a fairly high level; 给予一定的重视 attach due importance to
  • 欲望之规条:    la ley del deseo; law of desire
  • 定之辅:    sadanosuke
  • 定之介:    sadanosuke


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. There's not always logic to these things .
  2. As people get older they become more set in their ways .
  3. There is no sure formula for success .
  4. There is no sure formula for success
  5. As is often the case with object reduction , there was no one solution that could change our fat client to a slim one


        定之:    sadayuki
        之规训:    the discipline of freedom
        一定:    1.(规定的, 确定的) fixed; established; regular 一定的规章制度 established rules and regulations; 一定的生产指标 fixed production quota; 按照一定的规格进行生产 work according to specifications; 学习、 工作都有一定的时间。 there are fixed times for study and for work.2.(固定不变的) definite; constant 每一种弹簧都有一定的弹性。 every sort of spring has a definite elasticity.3.(必定) surely; certainly; be bound to; necessarily 这一定是他想买的书。 this must be the book he wants to buy. 只要我们做到这一切, 改革就一定能成功。 provided we do all this, we shall assuredly succeed in our reform. 六点以前, 我一定回家。 i shall definitely be home before six o'clock.4.(特定的) certain; specific; given 在一定程度上 to a certain degree; 在一定条件下 under given conditions; 在一定意义上 in a certain sense; 在一定的时期内 within a certain [definite] period; 金属加热到一定的温度都会熔化。 metals will melt when heated to a certain temperature.5.(相当的) proper; fair; due 达到一定水平 reach a fairly high level; 给予一定的重视 attach due importance to
        欲望之规条:    la ley del deseo; law of desire
        定之辅:    sadanosuke
        定之介:    sadanosuke
        定之进:    sadanoshin
        定之佑:    sadanosuke
        定之助:    sadanosuke
        定之资:    sadanosuke
        定之佐:    sadanosuke
        定之丞:    sadanojo
        蒋定之:    jiang dingzhi
        不确定之债:    incerta obligatio; incertaobligatio; obligatio incerta; obligatioincerta
        大定之舞:    ta ting chih wu
        法定之债:    legal obligation; obligatio civilis
        否定之否定:    the negation of negation
        规定之回合:    stipulated round
        肯定之极:    dead sure(certain)
        确定之债:    obligatio certa; obligatiocerta
        特定之债:    certain obligation; obligatio ecialis; obligatio specialis
        未定之天:    the future is unwritten-joe strummer
        印定之歌:    indian summer
        印定之夏:    song of india
        一定抓住那一天:    never fail to seize the day; never failed to seize the day
        一定在邮箱里:    it must be in the mail. i trust the result was positive


        一定之规的日语:〈成〉一定の決まり.決まった考え.定見.▼“定规”ともいう. 这种事情怎么办得 děi 看具体情况,没有一定之规/こういう事柄をどう処理するかはケース?バイ?ケースで,一定の決まりというものはない. 任凭你怎样劝 quàn 他,他也有他的一定之规/いくら忠告しようと,彼には彼なりの考えがある.
        一定之规的韩语:(1)일정한 규칙. (2)【비유】 이미 작정한 생각. 你一定之规要走, 我也没法拦你; 네가 이왕 가려고 마음먹었다면 나도 말릴 수는 없다
        一定之规的俄语:pinyin:yīdìngzhiguī твёрдое правило, определённый порядок определённо, твёрдо
        一定之规什么意思:yī dìng zhī guī 【解释】比喻已经决定了的办法。 【拼音码】ydzg 【灯谜面】王八头上塞橛子 【用法】偏正式;作宾语;指一定的规律或规则 【英文】fixed pattern


  1. "一定有方法"英文
  2. "一定有什么误会"英文
  3. "一定有什么真实的事物"英文
  4. "一定在……"英文
  5. "一定在邮箱里"英文
  6. "一定抓住那一天"英文
  7. "一定组成"英文
  8. "一定做…"英文
  9. "一定做过某事"英文
  10. "一定做完了"英文


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