

发音:   "一字千金"的汉语解释   用"一字千金"造句
  • a single word [character] is worth a thousand pieces [ounces] of gold.; learning is more precious than gold
  • 一字千钧:    one word weighs a thousand kilograms
  • 读书须用意,一字值千金:    In study,concentration is required,for every character understood is worth a thousand pieces of gold.
  • 读书须用意,一字值千金:    in study, concentration is required, for every character understood is worth a thousand pieces of gold
  • 千金:    1.(很多的钱) a thousand pieces of gold; a lot of money 千金难买 not to be had even for 1,000 pieces of gold; not to be bought with money2.[敬] (女儿) daughter (other than one's own)3.(昂贵) extremely precious
  • 一字:    header punches in various drives; yokoro; yookoro; yooroko


  1. Ouyang zhongshi is a famous calligrapher in contemporary china , his works is valueless
  2. Better have skill than property . better be virtuous than learned . better keep your word than be eloquent . better write well than profusely
  3. One must see the need for chinese names in order to appreciate the meaning of this saying a single word is worth a thousand pieces of gold the same goes for translation
  4. Britons might have tired of hearing from the former prime minister but in the southern chinese industrial town of dongguan his words appear to be worth their weight in gold


        一字千钧:    one word weighs a thousand kilograms
        读书须用意,一字值千金:    In study,concentration is required,for every character understood is worth a thousand pieces of gold.
        读书须用意,一字值千金:    in study, concentration is required, for every character understood is worth a thousand pieces of gold
        千金:    1.(很多的钱) a thousand pieces of gold; a lot of money 千金难买 not to be had even for 1,000 pieces of gold; not to be bought with money2.[敬] (女儿) daughter (other than one's own)3.(昂贵) extremely precious
        一字:    header punches in various drives; yokoro; yookoro; yooroko
        数字千分表:    digital dial gauge
        数字千分尺:    digital micrometer
        一字一字地:    word for word
        千金拔:    phili ine flemingia root; philippine flemingia root; philippine violet herb
        千金花:    fortune eupatorium flower
        千金鸡:    thousand gold chicken
        千金乐:    chikaneraku
        千金良:    chigira; chikanera
        千金庙:    qianjinmiao
        千金藤:    japanese stephania root or leaf; stephania japonica miers
        千金榆:    carpinus cordata
        千金子:    caper euphorbia seed; moleplant seed; qianjinzi semen euphorbiae lathvridis; seed of ca er urge; seed of capper spurge; semen euphorbiae lathyridis; semen lathyridis
        四千金:    four daughters; four loves; our sister hedy
        小千金:    valuable false daughter
        单一字:    one word
        横一字:    spread eagle
        内一字:    inside spread eagle
        前一字:    prev word
        一字步:    easy walk
        一字钎头:    single-chisel bit
        一字嵌袋:    wide welt


        一字千金的日语:〈成〉1字が千金に値する.詩文が非常にすぐれているたとえ. 『語源』秦の宰相?呂不韋が食客に 『呂氏春秋』を書かせて咸陽の城門に並べ,1字でも増やしたり減らしたりできる者には千金の賞金を与えるとふれたという故事から.
        一字千金的韩语:【성어】 일자천금. 문자·시문이 매우 훌륭하다.
        一字千金什么意思:yī zì qiān jīn 【解释】称赞文辞精妙。 【出处】《史记·吕不韦列传》:“布咸阳市门,悬千金其上,延诸侯游士宾客有能增损一字者予千金。” 【示例】鲁迅先生的杂文,含意极深,真可谓~。 【拼音码】yzqj 【灯谜面】王羲之手书妙;最贵的稿费 【用法】主谓式;作定语、宾语;含褒义 【英文】one word is worth a thousand taels of gold


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