The ongoing courtesy and kindness campaigns , the revamp of our education system and the beneficial impact of the mass media have certainly helped 每年举行的礼貌运动和“日行一善”周,教育制度的改革,以及传媒的有利影响,肯定有所帮助。
Perform a good deed every day ; aspire to benefit society . vow to perform a good deed every day ; each vow must aspire to beautify society 日行一善存好心,每一发心,必为人间的利益着想。日发一愿做好事,每一发愿,必为人间的庄严用心。
Better have skill than property . better be virtuous than learned . better keep your word than be eloquent . better write well than profusely 万贯家财,不如一技在身。满腹经纶,不如一善在心。高谈阔论,不如一言九鼎。长篇累牍,不如一字千金。
The author advances the right means to deal with several relations in legislation , to keep away or conquer the locality benefit and the department benefit , to keep away conflicts in legislation , to perfect legislative procedure , to improve legislative technic level , and to construct and perfect legislative quality estimate system , which are the countermeasures dealing with the problem of china ' s legislative quality 论文从我国立法质量存在的问题入手,提出了具体的解决对策,认为采取正确处理立法工作中的几个主要关系、防范和克服部门利益或地方利益、防止和解决立法冲突、完善立法程序保证立法质量、提高立法技术运用水平、建立完一善立法质量评价体系等具体对策,可以在一定程度上解决我国立法质:量存在的主要问题。
一: one善: good添眼清一善: timoptolxe一善掩百恶: for one good deed a hundred ill deeds should be overlooked一闪之念: an idea that flashes through one's mind; a fleeting thought一扇: a (door, window)一闪一闪小星星: song: twinkle twinkle little star; twinkle twinkle lillte star; twinkle twinkle little stars; twinkle,twinkle,little star一扇窗: a window一闪一闪亮晶晶: twinkle twinkle little star一扇美丽的木门: very nice wooden door一闪一闪地: flickeringly一扇门: the door一闪一闪的: flickering