

发音:   用"一味蕴"造句
  • eka-rasa-skandha
  • 一味:    blindly
  • :    accumulate; hold in store; c ...
  • 一味:    blindly 一味地固执己见 stubbornly stick to one's own view; 他们一味说大话。 they indulge in tall talk
  • 独一味:    common lamiophlomis root rhizome and herb; duyiwei radix lamiophlomidis rotatae; lamiophlomis rotata kudo; lamiophlomis rotatakudo
  • 一味药:    false indigo herb


        一味:    blindly
        :    accumulate; hold in store; c ...
        一味:    blindly 一味地固执己见 stubbornly stick to one's own view; 他们一味说大话。 they indulge in tall talk
        独一味:    common lamiophlomis root rhizome and herb; duyiwei radix lamiophlomidis rotatae; lamiophlomis rotata kudo; lamiophlomis rotatakudo
        一味药:    false indigo herb
        一味抱怨:    do nothing but complain
        一味扯谎:    lie like a gas meter
        一味恭维:    give indiscriminate praise
        一味孤行:    go one's own way
        一味靠滚:    cheating is all we do
        一味蛮干:    act rashly and arbitrarily; be foolhardy; put a bold face on; persist in acting blindly
        一味盲干:    act blindly
        一味迁就:    make one concession after another; make endless concessions
        一味撒谎:    lie like a gas meter 不要理睬他的话, 他一味撒谎。 don't pay attention to anything he says. he lies like a gas meter
        一味贪吃:    be given to one's belly
        一味退让:    retreat constantly
        一味拖延:    procrastinate
        一味药根:    false indigo root
        一味迎合:    go all the way to meet
        一味指责:    invariably blame; blindly censure
        禅茶一味:    taste zen in tea
        一味装腔作势:    indulge in histrionics
        一味追求吃喝:    make a god of one's belly 不要问他对政局的看法, 他不会知道什么, 因为他一味追求吃喝。 don't ask him what he thinks of the political situation. he won't know for he is a man who makes a god of his belly
        对某人一味顺从:    be servile to sb
        而你却一味举行:    and hold you endlessly


  1. "一味退让"英文
  2. "一味拖延"英文
  3. "一味药"英文
  4. "一味药根"英文
  5. "一味迎合"英文
  6. "一味指责"英文
  7. "一味装腔作势"英文
  8. "一味追求吃喝"英文
  9. "一味追求物质享乐的人"英文
  10. "一位"英文


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