一: one古代: ancient; archaic; ancient ti ...印度: India; Indian; ind-; indo-哲学: philosophy书: write印度哲学: hindu philosophy; indian philosophy印度哲学家: indian philosophers古代印度: ancient india古代印度公社: ancient indian community古代印度的日常用语: prakrit哲学书: philosophy哲学书简: letters on england哲学书目: repertoire bibliographique de la philosophie现代印度民族主义: hindutva古代哲学: ancient philosophy古代、中世纪与东方哲学: ancient, medieval &oriental philosophy中国古代宗教与哲学: unit 60 ancient chinese religions and philosophy古代: ancient; archaic; ancient times; antiquity 古代文化 ancient civilization; 自古代以来 from ancient times; 埃及自古代起就使用釉料。 glazes had been used from ancient times in egypt.; 古代辩证法 ancient dialectic; 古代兵法 art of war in ancient times; strategics in ancient times; 古代民族 ancient nationality; 古代社会 ancient society; 古代生产工具 working [production] tools in ancient times; 古代生活用具 ancient daily [household] utensils; 古代史 archaeology; archeology; ancient history; 古代语言 ancient language数学书: math book文学书: title本一古里安: ben gurion哲学: philosophy 处世哲学 sb.'s philosophy of living; 古典哲学 classical philosophy; 马克思主义的辩证唯物主义哲学 marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism; 中庸哲学 a middle-of-the-road philosophy; doctrine of means; 哲学博士 doctor of philosophy; 哲学家 philosopher;哲学思想 philosophical thinking; 哲学体系 philosophy; 哲学系 philosophy department; 哲学原理 metaphysics 印度古代及中世纪之中部及北部方言: prakrit languages克雷代印刷厂: imprimerie crete一古民族的人: cimmerian