一: one位: place; location不胜任: incompetent; unfit for the p ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...律师: lawyer; barrister; solicitor ...不胜任的: incompetent; unequal; unfit不胜任的经理: an incompetent manager不胜任: incompetent; unfit for the post 一位不胜任的律师 an incompetent lawyer; 他完全不胜任这工作。 he is quite incompetent to do the work胜任的: competent; fittest; qualified不适合,不胜任: be unfit for才不胜任: ability inadequate for the position; talents not equal to the post; incompetent父母不胜任: parent unfitness力不胜任: be unequal to one's task; incompetent; without the required ability to do sth.: 繁重的工作显然使她有些力不胜任。 it was evident that her physical strength could not support her strenuous task使不胜任: disable disqualify不能胜任的: incompetent; inefficient不足胜任的: not sufficiently able or confident to deal with a difficult situation合格的,胜任的: qualified (l03)可以胜任的: adjective / 5adviktiv; superable能干的;胜任的: competent能够胜任的: be competent with能胜任的: competent; efficient胜任的人员: competent personnel合格的律师: competent council精明的律师: philadelphia lawyer能干的律师: efficient lawyer