一个: one; a; an重要: important; significant; majo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...城市: city; town; abad; conurbatio ...一个重要的电话: an important call一个重要的邀请: an important invitation他将会有一个重要的宣布: a major announcement该港是一个重要的海军基地: the harbour is an important naval base他将成为一个重要的决策者: he'll be an important decision-maker一个重要的学生财政项目介绍: an introduction of a project of student finance我是个重要的女孩: i'm a big big girl是----的一个重要里程碑: remain an important milestone for-----一个美丽的城市: a beautiful city一个很重要的问题: to answer questions that are key经过一个又一个的城市: town after town on i travel带到铁塔上好“提出那个重要的问题”: jm起初我对这个重要的短评保持沉默: initially i kept silent to the essential essay那是一个重要文件他正在推敲用词: it was an important document and he was weighing his words文学创作的一个重要参照物: the craze for qiongyaos novels:an important reference point for literary creation迅速获得成功的一个重要因素: an important factor in her rapid success这是一个很重要的问题: this is an important issue to be discussed重要的: basilic; big; c.notable; central; concernful; consequential; considerable; critical; crucial; frndamental; frontpage; fundamental; imperative; impt important; main; major; material; moving; of consequence; serious; significant sgml character; staple; substaintial; substantial; substantive - trivial; valuable; vital; wichtig adj首要的,重要的: capital重要的,首要的: key, principal first, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree; chief又一个不入流的孩子,又一个焚毁的城市: another misfit kid, another burned-out town