Imagine yourself to be on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。
Imagine yourself on a desert island . 设想你处在一个荒岛上。
The captain was so angry by this outrageous behaviour that he threatened to maroon him on the nearest deserted island . 船长看到这种不法行径,大为恼怒,扬言要把他扔在最近的一个荒岛上。
They marooned jack on an island and left him to die , 杰克被弃置在一个荒岛上等死
They marooned jack on an island and left him to die 杰克被弃置在一个荒岛上等死
一个: one; a; an荒岛: uninhabited island; barren i ...一个荒凉的: a wild region一个荒诞的故事: tristram shandy a cock and bull story荒岛: uninhabited island; barren island荒岛沉冤: island of grievance荒岛的生活: lesson life on a desert island荒岛惊魂: 3; adventure on a deadly island; culdesac; survival island; three limited rerip荒岛酒池: tight little island; whisky galore荒岛历险: survival kids- jap荒岛冒险: survival kids - kotou no boukensha荒岛美人: saturday island荒岛奇遇记: pumuckl's abenteuer bei den piraten; pumuckl's abenteuerbeiden piraten荒岛枪声: gun-shooting from the wasteland荒岛情史: st ives荒岛求生: cast away荒岛求生记: stranded; survival in the solitary island (1-3c)荒岛生活: lesson life on a desert island荒岛凶灵: the others荒岛余生: cast away; castaway; left alone荒岛馀生: cast away一座荒岛: a wild island被撇在荒岛上: be cast away on a desert island荒岛奇遇记(德): pumuckl's abenteuerbeiden piraten乐高荒岛冒险: lego bionicle