一个: one; a; an有趣: interesting; fascinating; am ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...公园: park; public garden一个有趣的池塘: strange pond一个有趣的故事: a funny story; interesting story一个有趣的好去处: a fun place to go看起来像一个有趣的珍藏: look like an interesting collection日食是一个有趣的现象: eclipse is an interesting phenomenon她做了一个有趣的鬼脸: she made such a funny face that we all burst out laughing它经过了一个有趣的进化过程: it has passed through an interesting process of evolution城市生活的一个有趣特点: an interesting feature of city life有趣的: amusement(amusing); amusive; arresting; colorful; cunning; diverting; divertive; entertaining a. amusing; exciting; funny; interested; interesting; intriguing; juicy; laughable; live; merry; pretty; rorty一个非常有趣的工作: a really interesting job非常有趣的: absorbing; priceless; rare很有趣的事: great fun滑稽的,有趣的: be funny极为有趣的: very amusing可爱的, 有趣的: lovely离奇有趣的: quaint美味的,有趣的: sapid十分有趣的: hi5leeries helzries有趣的, 娱乐的: diverting有趣的,滑稽的: funny有趣的;好玩的: funny