

发音:   用"一个却深潜海底"造句
  • the other is looking upon into the sea
  • 一个:    one; a; an
  • :    step back
  • 深潜:    deep diving
  • 海底:    the bottom of the sea; seabe ...
  • 深潜:    deep diving◇深潜船 bathyvessel; deep-diving vessel; 深潜救生艇 deep submergence rescue vehicle; 深潜器 bathyscaph(e); 深潜潜望镜 deep submergence periscope


  1. The furthest distance in the world is the distance between fish and bird , one is in the sky , and another is in the sea


        一个:    one; a; an
        :    step back
        深潜:    deep diving
        海底:    the bottom of the sea; seabe ...
        深潜:    deep diving◇深潜船 bathyvessel; deep-diving vessel; 深潜救生艇 deep submergence rescue vehicle; 深潜器 bathyscaph(e); 深潜潜望镜 deep submergence periscope
        潜海人:    aquaspaceman (海底人)
        下潜海蚀崖:    plunging cliff
        深潜泵:    deepwell pump; dewell pump; immersion pump
        深潜船:    deepdiving vessel
        深潜器:    deediving submersible bathyscaphe; deep diving submersible; deep-diving submersible; dsv deesubmergence vehicle; hydrospace vehicle; submersible boat
        深潜球:    bathysphere
        深潜室:    deep-diving chamber
        深潜水:    deep dives; deep diving
        深潜艇:    bathyscaf; bathyscaphe; deep submergence vehicle
        深潜仪:    deediving vehicle
        深潜者:    deeone; deep one; deone
        海底:    the bottom of the sea; seabed; seafloor; benthos (benthon); davy jones's locker◇海底爆破 seabed blasting; 海底采掘 [矿物] ocean-mine; 海底采矿 [采矿工程] submarine mine; submarine [undersea; offshore] mining; 海底采矿设备 ocean floor mining equipment; 海底采煤 undersea mining; 海底采样 seafloor sampling; 海底测量 ocean floor topographic survey; 海底测图 submarine mapping; 海底沉积物 bottom sediment; 海底地貌 submarine geomorphy; 海底地形 seafloor relief; submarine morphology; 海底地形图 ocean floor relief map; 海底地震仪 sea seismograph; 海底地质学 submarine geology; 海底电报 submarine telegraph; cablegram; 海底电报线路 submarine telegraph line; 海底电话电缆 submarine telephone cable; 海底电缆 submarine [undersea] cable; 海底动物 infauna; 海底断裂带 submarine fracture zone; 海底峰 seapeak; 海底高地 seahigh; 海底高原 plateau; 海底谷 seavalley; 海底管线 submerged pipeline; 海底火山 submarine volcano; 海底开发技术 ocean floor exploration technique; 海底勘察 submarine exploration; 海底矿床 undersea mineral deposit; 海底裂谷 submarine rift; 海底漫游动物 vagil-benthon; 海底平原 sea-bottom [submarine] plain; 海底山 seamount; 海底摄影器 benthograph; 海底生物 benthon; 海底石油开发 submarine oil exploitation; 海底隧道 submarine tunnel; 海底探测船 habitat; 海底通信电缆 submarine communication cable; 海底峡谷 submarine [ocean(ic)] canyon; 海底养殖 bottom [submarine] culture; 海底油管输送 offshore oil delivery; 海底油库 submerged tank; 海底油田 offshore oilfield; 海底钻探 offshore boring [drilling]; 海底资源 seabed [submarine] resources
        超深潜水:    ultradeep dive
        底爬深潜车:    bottom crawling submersible vehicle
        深潜航行:    deep-dive running
        深潜货油泵:    deep-well cargo pump; dewell cargo pump
        深潜计划:    deep submergence program; dsp
        深潜救生器:    deep submergence rescue vehicle
        深潜救生艇:    deep submergence rescue vessel; deep submersible rescue vehicle; deesubmergence rescue vehicle; deesubmersible rescue vehicle, dsrv
        深潜救助器:    dsrv deesubmergence rescue vehicle


  1. "一个去爱的时刻"英文
  2. "一个全面发展的学生"英文
  3. "一个全球化世界"英文
  4. "一个全球性问题"英文
  5. "一个全新世界"英文
  6. "一个确实值得我爱的男人"英文
  7. "一个让你放松身心的地方"英文
  8. "一个热爱孩子的男人"英文
  9. "一个热爱音乐的人"英文
  10. "一个热爱知识的人"英文


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