英国: Britain; England; the United ...法官: judge; justice戴: put on; wear的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...假发: wig; toupee; switch法官假发: bob wig英国法官判囚犯死刑时所戴的帽子: black cap短而卷曲的假发: bob wig短而拳曲的假发: bobwig酒保的假发是卷的: the barkeeper's wig's crooked英国大法官: lord chancellor假发: wig; toupee; switch 戴假发 wear a wig; be wigged 英国首席法官: chief justice of england〔英国〕学生的假期作业。: holiday task〔英国〕郡治安法官,〔美国〕县长。: county commissioner〔英国〕(送给闲职法官的)白手套。: white gloves半假发: human hair half wig长假发: peruke戴假发: 1.(用假发装扮或提供假发) periwig2.(用假发装饰在头上) wiggery带假发: periwig厚假发: buzzwig假发牌: false deal假发情: false heat; normal-like estrus; pseudoestrus假发射: dummy firing; dummy launch假发套: wig sheath